This post is unedited from the 2018 election.

Other municipalities have successfully provided fast, reliable, and affordable high-speed Internet service to their residents and so should Windsor. I fully support Windsor’s investment in municipal broadband, including the feasibility study in partnership with the City of Greeley.  If elected, I will vote to invest in broadband as a part of Windsor’s Strategic Plan.

Windsor should learn from other communities, like Fort Collins, and adopt a policy to support Net Neutrality. According to the City of Fort Collins official website, “Fort Collins is committed to the principles of Net Neutrality…. The City Broadband Plan does not call for any restrictions on access including uploads, downloads, delivery methods or providers (email, Skype, Netflix, etc.) … Net Neutrality, or Open Internet, means there are no restrictions of any kind on access to content on the Web, no limit on downloads and uploads, or no restrictions on delivery methods or providers. The key principle is access to the internet is not blocked, slowed down, or sped up depending on who or where that access occurs. In essence, Net Neutrality means the internet is open to everyone.”

Municipal broadband not only provides high speed Internet access, it lowers prices, creates competition, and boosts economic development.

I would prefer that residents have the option to opt-out and not use or pay for this service.

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