The Town of Windsor will honor former Town Board Member Barry Wilson for his 6-years of service on Monday, August 19th at 5:00 behind Town Hall. It will be a 15 to 20-minute ceremony.

Barry Wilson was elected to represent District 2 in 2018. He was reelected in 2022. Wilson was elected as Mayor on April 2, 2024, and sworn in as Mayor on April 22nd. He was removed from office on May 22nd, at no fault of his own. Jim Cosner challenged the election, and the election was annulled by Weld County District Judge, Shannon Lyons. Lyons ruled that the Town Clerk, Karen Frawley, misinterpreted the term limit language in the Charter.

Judge Lyons will be on Weld County ballot for reappointment in November.

The remaining 5 Town Board members chose not to appeal the decision or hold a special election. Instead, the Town Board appointed another Town Board member, Julie Cline, as Mayor, appointed someone new to Wilson’s District-2 seat, and appointed someone new to fill the District-4 seat that Cline vacated to become Mayor.

Even though the election was annulled, the Town Board did not allow Wilson to finish the last 2 years of his term, a seat which he won 70% of the vote. When Barry Wilson defeated Jason Hallett in the Mayoral race, they both had 2 years left in their term. Wilson won the election and was removed from office. Yet, the loser of the election, Hallett, remains on the Town Board and will be on the Charter Amendment Ad Hoc Committee reviewing and suggesting changes to the term limit language. Citizens can apply to be on the committee, but members will be picked by the Town Board.

Town of Windsor Forms Charter Amendment Ad Hoc Committee:

Whether you voted for Wilson or not, you likely support fair elections. Please take a few minutes out of your busy day to recognize Barry Wilson for his service to the Town of Windsor.